Tuesday, December 2, 2014


I had a goal of raising $1,000 towards YL Costa Rica, today, on Giving Tuesday.  And WE HAVE MET THAT GOAL!!!  Wow!  I am blown away!!  Obviously I was hopeful, but after five months of fundraising, it's hard to be 100% that your goals are attainable.

But thankfully, we serve a God of abundance!  And a God who provides abundantly more than we ask for!  (Thanks, AT, for reminding me of this.) 

Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for.  Keep on seeking, and you will find.  Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks, receives.  Everyone who seeks, finds.  And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.
John 7:7-8

Click HERE to support YL Costa Rica!

Can we double the goal before the day ends??!  

I am so grateful for the support!  YOU are an important part of ministry here!  Thank you for making a difference in the lives of kids!

Thursday, November 27, 2014


Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

For the past few years my family in the States has done the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving day.  I decided to keep the tradition alive by going on a run this morning with one of the interns before all the feasting!

Not a bad view for a Turkey Trot...

Then we went to Jeni's house to celebrate!  Thanksgiving is so fun here!  It is, of course, a U.S. holiday.  However, we have created a tradition of throwing Thanksgiving for all of our Tico friends and co-workers!  It is so fun!  They share so much of their culture with us, it's great to be able to share some of ours with them!  It was a full house and the most perfect afternoon!  This past year has been a whirlwind but there truly is so much to be thankful for - resting in that today.

Grateful for my Costa Rican family!

Monday, November 24, 2014

wyldlife camp!

Check out the amazing weekend my middle school friends just had at WyldLife camp!  What a weekend!  Two of my high school girls also went to serve as part of the Work Crew.  They had a blast!

Friday, November 14, 2014

where it all began...

Today I had the INCREDIBLE opportunity to meet the founders of Young Life Costa Rica, Marv and Wilma!  It's an incredible story.  Marv is from the States and had been working in Brazil when the Lord brought him to Costa Rica to start Young Life.  Wilma is a Tica who had noticed a need for ministry in her community and started praying for Young Life to come.  Marv spoke English and Portuguese but not Spanish.  Wilma spoke Spanish but not English or Portuguese...

But in some miraculous way, Young Life Costa Rica was born!  Their passion for Jesus and this ministry is still so evident.  It was so encouraging to hear them describe Young Life years ago and realize the message and the mission has not changed.  The desire is still the same, for every kid to know Jesus and grow in their faith.  To do life and live life together.

They shared several stories of success and several more of failure.  Through it all, the Lord has been faithful and constant.  He has raised up leaders within the various communities to continue pouring into local kids and growing the ministry.  Both Marv and Wilma left us with the charge that the best is yet to come!!  How exciting to think and pray about the future of ministry here - The hundreds and thousands of kids and families who will be changed because of it!

Thanks for sharing, Marv and Wilma!  And thank you for your obedience years ago, and establishing a solid foundation for Young Life in Costa Rica!

The founders of YL CR!
Marv to my left and Wilma to my right.

Monday, November 3, 2014

"When Jesus speaks about shepherding, he does not want us to think about a brave, lonely shepherd who takes care of a large flock of obedient sheep."
-Nouwen, In the Name of Jesus

Sunday, November 2, 2014


It's not a number, it's a vision.

The Lord is on the move in Costa Rica!  And He is calling us to WAKE UP!  To lift up our heads and look around - to see what He is doing.  Where He is moving.  What and who He is calling us to.  The harvest is ready NOW!  We don't need to wait, but we do need to wake up!  To see it.  To notice it.  To experience it.  To engage in it!

You know the saying, 'Four months between planting and harvest.'  But I say, wake up and look around.  The fields are already ripe for harvest.
John 4:35

So we have a vision.  As a team we have a vision.  To participate in this.  To stop looking at our own feet on the ground and to start looking up!  To wake up!  To see what is around us - life and joy and peace and love - and to invite others into it with renewed excitement and passion.

Together, we have a hope that 435 kids will come to camp this year - to hear and experience the Gospel for themselves.  To hear and experience the radical love of Jesus, what He did on their behalf, and the gift of this tremendous life of LOVE and adventure He desires for his children.

Please join us in praying for this vision.  International schools staff and leaders are currently inviting our middle school friends to WyldLife Camp November 21-23.  Pray for this vision.  Pray for boldness to look up.  To see.  To go where the Lord is leading us and to invite kids into the journey.  Thank you!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

"What decisions have you been making lately and how are they a reflection of the way you sense the future?"
-Nouwen, In the Name of Jesus